Varun Dhawan is known for his charismatic personality and versatility as an actor. But did you know that he is also an amazing chef? Recently, Varun donned the chef's hat and the outcome was super hit just like his films. What did he make though? On the occasion of Maha Shivratri, the actor prepared a sumptuous halwa for his father, director David Dhawan. Varun shared a video where David Dhawan can be seen reviewing the halwa. In the clip, we could hear Varun asking, “How is the halwa that I made, papa, for Maha Shivaratri?” To this, the filmmaker replies, “I think it's damn good ya. The first time, I had such a good halwa which has very less sugar for me. And, I can have the second bowl also.” For the caption, Varun Dhawan wrote, "Dad reviewing my halwa."
Also read: Varun Dhawan Enjoys Simple Combo Of Parle-G Dipped In Chai
If Varun Dhawan's Instagram post made you drool, why don't you prepare a nice halwa this weekend and surprise everyone at home? We have listed about five drool-worthy halwa recipes below:
1. Sooji Ka Halwa
This classic Indian dessert has our hearts. Sooji ka halwa is a heavenly semolina and sugar syrup dessert flavoured with cardamom and chopped almonds. It can be prepared in just half an hour. Find the recipe here.
2. Moong Dal Ka Halwa
We wait for winter only to dig into this mouth-watering delight. Right? After all, we are talking about the perfect ghee-laden dessert that is all things delicious. Wondering how to make it? Recipe here.
3. Gajar Ka Halwa
This quintessential dessert is a hit in Indian households. Don't you think it's simply amazing how something as healthy as carrots can be utilised to make this delicacy? This delightful gajar ka halwa has all the nutrients that are excellent sources of Vitamin A, C and K. Click here for the recipe.
4. Punjabi-Style Gud Ka Halwa
Have you ever tried gud ka halwa before? If not, its time your do! For this, roast semolina in ghee. Prepare a scrumptious jaggery syrup separately. Now, mix this jaggery-water mixture with the roasted semolina and put saffron strands along with milk. You can add more dry fruits if you want. Recipe here.
5. Doodhi Ka Halwa
This halwa is quite healthy as it is prepared with bottle gourd. If you don't eat this vegetable, maybe you can make this halwa and savour doodhi. Don't forget to serve it hot with some chopped pistachio on top. Find the recipe here.
Which halwa do you usually prepare at home? Do let us know in the comments below.
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