Sunday's World Cup match between India and South Africa was no less than a treat for cricket fans. Virat Kohli made a billion people proud by scoring a century to equal Sachin Tendulkar's record of 49 ODI centuries and guiding India to their eighth consecutive win at the ongoing World Cup tournament. What made the occasion even more special was that Kohli achieved the feat at Kolkata's iconic Eden Gardens on his 35th birthday. In no time, the country began celebrating the achievement with posts and videos on social media. Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan was left no behind. He posted a picture straight from a bakery, featuring how he celebrated Virat Kohli's century. In the photo, the actor was seen holding what seemed to be a red velvet cake. His caption confirmed that he was at the German Bakery in Pune. Kartik wrote, “Virat ki century ho to cheating to banti hai. [When Virat scores a century, Cheating is allowed.]”
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Well, we don't blame Kartik Aaryan for cheating on his diet. India's victory has certainly thrilled all of us. India next plays on November 12 against the Netherlands. If you wish to celebrate India's World Cup campaign in Kartik Aaryan-style, here are some simple yet delectable cake recipes to try.
5 Homemade Cake Recipes To Celebrate India's Achievement At The World Cup Tournament:
1. Red Velvet Cake:
A classic with its striking red hue and a hint of cocoa, red velvet cake is known for its velvety texture and is often paired with a creamy cream cheese frosting. Click here for the recipe.
2. The Ultimate Sponge Cake:
This cake is both light and simple. With its airy, tender crumb, it serves as a versatile base for various fillings and toppings, making it an all-time favourite. Recipe here.
3. Rich And Moist Chocolate Cake:
A chocoholic's dream, this cake is incredibly indulgent and satisfying. Moist, dark, and intensely chocolatey, it's the go-to choice for those craving an ultimate chocolate fix. Want the recipe? Click here.
4. Date Cake:
Sweet and wholesome, date cake features the natural sweetness of dates. It is moist, warmly spiced, and often served with a drizzle of caramel or toffee sauce for extra decadence. Detailed recipe here.
5. Marble Cake:
Combining the best of both vanilla and chocolate worlds, a marble cake is visually striking and offers a delightful blend of flavours. It delivers a beautiful marriage of tastes in each bite. Click here and get the recipe.
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